# Voting Mechanism

# Continuous voting

We are used to discrete voting systems where voting takes place over a limited period of time, where people vote and decisions are taken place. Continuous voting is a new paradigm in voting systems where people can vote and change their votes at any time. Whenever a proposal gathers enough support the proposal will be accepted in real time.

# Conviction Voting

Conviction voting is a continuous voting mechanism where individuals have a number of votes that represent their preferences. Users can provide proposals with any number of their votes, showing their support for the proposal. The longer they keep supporting any given proposal the more weight their votes will have, further supporting the proposal. If a user feels like their preferences have changed and want to change their support from one proposal to another one, the weight of their removed votes will be gradually lowered instead of straight out removed.

# Layered Voting

Layered voting is a voting mechanism where users do not outright vote for proposals, instead they first vote on what they believe are the problems within the community system.

They do so through "problem reports". Problem reports are created by "council members" and they contain a problem and different perspectives the community might have on solving the problem. Users that vote on proposals can as well select to support one of the solution perspectives. This way users are both expressing what they believe are the most important problems in the community and how they should be solved.

Whenever a proposal gains enough traction using our conviction voting system the "problem report" and "solution perspectives" will be studied by a team of experts. The team of experts will release their findings to the public. In the case there are several solutions of similar "efficiency" the solutions will be put up to vote to determine the preference of the community.