# Manifestos

# Manifestos

Manifestos will be codes of conduct, declarations of values and principles of the system.

Manifestos will not be hardcoded, they will be guidelines from which we must not stray when building new proposals.

Meaningful ethical norms cannot be expressed in their entirety, much less so mathematically, which is why they must be loosely implemented.

For example:

“The governance system must hear and represent every voice in a balanced manner” leaves many unanswered questions.

How do we make sure all voices are heard? How do we prevent small minorities needs and wants from being overlooked? How balanced should every voice be? How do we balance it? How do we prevent power from concentrating in a few overtime?

We do not have a definitive answer to these questions, to our knowledge no one has.

If we were to give every user one vote, we would dilute our most expert voices and open ourselves to a Sybil attack.

If we lock our governance system behind our staking mechanisms, we effectively create a pay wall.

Loosely implementing these guidelines will allow us to make them nearly immutable while iterating how we implement them.