# Implementing Fair Governance

Creating such a system is an epic task. We do not claim to have all the answers, nor do we want to. Our governance system will only succeed if it is created alongside our community, and not mandated by a centralized entity.

We are here to lay the groundwork, safeguards and context needed for our governance system to flourish. To this end, we are creating a number of tools and methods that will define our initial governance system, and hopefully inspire our community to further build new and better systems.

The values of Fair Governance will be implemented throughout Manifestos and Constitutions.

  • Manifestos will be codes of conduct, declaration of values and principles. They will not be hardcoded, instead, they will be guidelines from which we must not stray when building and implementing new proposals.
  • Constitutions will be sets of hard rules defining the scope of our governance systems, functionalities, and technicalities.

While manifestos will rarely change, Constitutions will be actively iterated upon.

This dual system will allow us to constantly test and improve our governance mechanisms while ensuring that we do not deviate from our principles and goals.