Items Overview
Base Items:
Players can buy or loot base items. These are non-NFT items.
Base items are the items players choose to upgrade when they go on a Dungeon run.
The more powerful the base, the higher the item's potential when upgraded.
The base item determines the starting stats of the item and the number of upgrades the item can earn from dungeon runs.
Item Name:
Basic items, regardless of the type, have the same basic name (e.g. ‘Sword’).
After an item upgrades its name changes depending on the added enhancements in the form of prefixes: (‘Bloody sword’), suffixes: (‘Sword of Skulls’) or both: (‘Bloody sword of Skulls’).
These words are always linked to the upgrades the item has (e.g. ‘fire sword’ will have a rune that gives it fire properties).
The chances of upgrades including themselves into the item’s name are random and therefore items with unique names will have the added value of being a collector’s piece.
Five levels of rarity:
Each item upgrade (e.g. stat upgrades and runes) has a level of rarity.
The level of rarity of an item is just an indicator of its possible value. Its true power comes from its upgrades and how they interact with each other. Therefore, players can infer the value of an object at different levels and depending on how they synergize with other items, skins and organs.
Item Visualization:
Basic items of the same type have the same visualization. Therefore, all swords look the same before they are upgraded.
Each upgrade changes the item's visualization to represent its uniqueness.
Damage increases on weapons will be represented by more epic looking steels.
Runes will be inscribed in the blade.
Effects like fire and lightning will revolve around the item, etc.
A Shadow can equip the following items:
- 1x Weapon
- 1x Shield
- 1x Armour
- 1x Helmet
- 2x Charms
- 3x Potions