Core Game Loop:
- 1. Buy Maps. Use $Souls to buy Maps from the game's NPCs or through trading. (Initiation map cost = 0)
- 2. Activate Maps. Choose 1 item you wish to enhance when activating your Map by dragging your selected item onto the Map.
- 3. Enter the Dungeon.
- 4. Clear 7 Levels. Each level completion adds unique stat enhancement to said item.
- 5. Repeat. Higher-Level Maps will offer better rewards.
Player Journey:
ENTER DUNGEON: Activate your Map by dragging a base item to it and use it to enter the Dungeon.
LEVEL 1: You must fight random monsters in a procedurally generated level for the first reward. Upon defeating all the enemies, you gain the reward modifier stat which is added to your item.
FIRST LEVEL REWARD: The first reward is random, with higher rarity chances than usual, which will make the item more desirable and encourage you to continue. After accepting the reward, you will be presented with 3 different Gates. Choose one.
GATES: You are presented with three gates, each leading to a different level and a different reward type. You cannot go back, so deciding the right gate is an important choice for item building. Each gate has an icon, which tells you the type of reward you can expect: (e.g. you are presented with the following three gates: ‘Damage increase’, ‘Fire rune’, ‘Lightning rune’).
You cannot know the rarity of the reward from looking at the gate, only the type. Alternatively, at this point you can choose to exit the dungeon.NEXT LEVEL: After your Gate selection, you enter a new procedurally generated level with random enemies, which you must defeat to gain the level's reward and be presented with three new gates leading to the next level. These steps are repeated 5 more times until you are led to the Boss's final level (for a total of 7 levels per dungeon map).
BOSS GATES: The gates leading to the boss's level are different, letting you know, so you can mentally prepare for what is to come. These rewards will be of higher rarity. Additionally, the boss might drop an Organ or a Skin in addition to the level's reward.
MINT ITEM: After finishing the Dungeon run by killing the Final Boss or by exiting any level clear early, you gain the upgraded item.
By playing, you will be creating unique NFTs.
DEATH: If at any point you die, you leave the Dungeon without the item.